Train All of Your Staff With Access To All Our Courses for an Entire Year

Our All Access Plan gives your entire staff access to all certification training and courses offered for the whole year for institutions up to 100 employees. Got more employees? Contact us for pricing or to customize a training plan for you. 

Joining the plan ensures access to all federally mandated training under Title IX regulations and participation in our T9Now Community Forum so you can stay connected with other professionals in the Title IX space.

Small schools qualify for All Access Plan discounts! Schools with 25 or fewer employees pay only $3750. Simply contact us for a discount code when you're ready to enroll. 

All Access Plan
Frequently Asked Questions

When can I access training?

Now that final regulations have been released, all new training is under development and will be released to ensure access to all mandated training by the August 1, 2024, effective date of the new Rules. Stay-tuned for updates to the course roll-out schedule coming soon.

What courses will be available?

Courses in the annual plan will include all mandated topics as set forth in the final regulations, which includes required training for all employees (a new requirement under the revised rules) and specialized training for Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Decision-makers, as well as employees that have responsibility for implementing a school's grievance procedure or that have authority over supportive measures. Needless to say, the list is long!

Do my team members earn certifications?

All mandated training will include a certificate of training/completion you can easily and automatically download directly within each course.

How are the courses structured?

All new courses are organized by sections within the new T9Now University LMS. Number of sections will vary based on course length and complexity and each will contain various learning resources such as videos, pdfs, eBooks and various resources. You will have access to each course for 30-days. But may re-enroll at any time during your plan period if you'd like a refresher. Courses are non-cohort, self-study based, although the Community feature does allow discussion of course material, or other Title IX related topics, between students and community members. 

Can I monitor employee progress?

Yes! In fact, when you join our All Access Plan, we will assign you with admin access that will allow you to enroll your employees and track thier progress to ensure they have completed training. If a new employee joins your school during the year, simply enroll them into the appropriate course during your annual membership period. Our LMS includes the ability to run various reports to help you monitor your employees' participation and completion to ensure you can document completion of mandatory training under the regulations.

Will you provide training materials for disclosure purposes?

Yes! Training materials will be made available to ensure you are compliant with the record-keeping and disclosure provisions of the final regulations. 

What if the law changes?

Courses will be updated as necessary to ensure training material meets all mandated requirements under the law and reflect current Title IX requirements. Take advantage of your annual membership to access updated materials without having to purchase all new training. 

What's the advantage of the All Access Plan over single course enrollment?

The All Access Plan allows you to train up to 100 employees vs. our single-enrollment course offerings (one individual student accessible for 30 days). It also ensures you will have access to on-going updates if the law changes without having to purchase new training. Train new hires and have easily accesible training ready-to-go for any turn-over of your core Title IX team. The All Access Plan offers an amazing value in keeping with our mission of offering simple, cost-effective and efficient training options to keep you compliant.